Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) Gene Polymorphism and Infant’s Anthropometry at Birth

Identification of causal factors that influence fetal growth and anthropometry at birth is of great importance as they provide information about increased risk of disease throughout life. The association between maternal genetic polymorphism MTHFR(677)C>T and anthropometry at birth has been widely studied because of its key role in the one-carbon cycle. MTHFR(677) CT and TT…

Plasma concentrations of advanced glycation end-products and colorectal cancer risk in the EPIC study

Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are a heterogeneous group of compounds formed by the non-enzymatic reaction between amino-acids and reducing sugars, or dicarbonyls as intermediate compounds. Experimental studies suggest that AGEs may promote colorectal cancer, but prospective epidemiologic studies are inconclusive. We conducted a case-control study nested within a large European cohort. Plasma concentrations of three…

Socioeconomic Inequalities and Ethnicity Are Associated with a Positive COVID-19 Test among Cancer Patients in the UK Biobank Cohort

We explored the role of socioeconomic inequalities in COVID-19 incidence among cancer patients during the first wave of the pandemic. We conducted a case-control study within the UK Biobank cohort linked to the COVID-19 tests results available from 16 March 2020 until 23 August 2020. The main exposure variable was socioeconomic status, assessed using the…

COVID-19 y dependencia funcional: análisis de un brote en un centro sociosanitario de personas mayores.

Fundamentos: Los mayores institucionalizados han sido el grupo más afectado por la pandemia de COVID-19. El objetivo del presente estudio fue describir las principales características epidemiológicas de un brote de COVID-19, detectado en marzo 2020 en una residencia para mayores de Granada, e identificar los factores de riesgo asociados a la propagación del virus en…

Combined Genome, Transcriptome and Metabolome Analysis in the Diagnosis of Childhood Cerebellar Ataxia

Ataxia in children is a common clinical sign of numerous neurological disorders consisting of impaired coordination of voluntary muscle movement. Its most common form, cerebellar ataxia, describes a heterogeneous array of neurologic conditions with uncountable causes broadly divided as acquired or genetic. Numerous genetic disorders are associated with chronic progressive ataxia, which complicates clinical management,…

Cancer incidence estimation from mortality data: a validation study within a population-based cancer registry

Background Population-based cancer registries are required to calculate cancer incidence in a geographical area, and several methods have been developed to obtain estimations of cancer incidence in areas not covered by a cancer registry. However, an extended analysis of those methods in order to confirm their validity is still needed. Methods We assessed the validity…

A Semiautomated Classification System for Producing Service Directories in Social and Health Care (DESDE-AND): Maturity Assessment Study

Background: DESDE-LTC (Description and Evaluation of Services and DirectoriEs for Long-Term Care) is an international classification system that allows standardized coding and comparisons between different territories and care sectors, such as health and social care, in defined geographic areas. We adapted DESDE-LTC into a computer tool (DESDE-AND) for compiling a directory of care services in…

Transdisciplinariedad efectiva en el cuidado de la diabetes: Diagnóstico PRECEDE

La diabetes mellitus (DM) es una enfermedad compleja y multifactorial que requiere un proceso integrado de actividades y diferentes niveles de medición de resultados1. El cuidado transdisciplinario (CTD) es la prestación conjunta que asocia diferentes entornos y disciplinas con interacciones continuas entre el sistema de salud y social en los que cada persona está inmersa…

Evaluation of conventional and non-conventional biomarkers of liver toxicity in greenhouse workers occupationally exposed to pesticides

The liver plays a prominent role in maintenance of homeostasis and is the major organ for xenobiotic metabolism, including pesticides. Conventional liver function tests are widely used to assess hepatocellular and biliary system dysfunction by measuring serum levels of aminotransferases (ALT, AST) and cholestasis enzymes (alkaline phosphatase –ALP– and γ-glutamyl transferase –GGT–), respectively. Although these…

Diferencias de género en percepciones sobre violencia sexual, igualdad y agresiones sexuales facilitadas por drogas en ocio nocturno

La violencia sexual, incluyendo las agresiones sexuales facilitadas por drogas, es un serio problema cada vez más común en los contextos de ocio nocturno. Este trabajo estudia las actitudes y percepciones de la juventud española en torno a la violencia sexual en dicho ámbito. Los participantes se reclutaron mediante muestreo en bola de nieve. Se…