Lifestyle correlates of eight breast cancer-related metabolites: a cross-sectional study within the EPIC cohort

Background Metabolomics is a promising molecular tool for identifying novel etiological pathways leading to cancer. In an earlier prospective study among pre- and postmenopausal women not using exogenous hormones, we observed a higher risk of breast cancer associated with higher blood concentrations of one metabolite (acetylcarnitine) and a lower risk associated with higher blood concentrations…

Lifestyle changes in middle age and risk of cancer: evidence from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

In this study, we aimed to provide novel evidence on the impact of changing lifestyle habits on cancer risk. In the EPIC cohort, 295,865 middle-aged participants returned a lifestyle questionnaire at baseline and during follow-up. At both timepoints, we calculated a healthy lifestyle index (HLI) score based on cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, body mass index…

Level of Palliative Care Complexity in Advanced Cancer Patients: A Multinomial Logistic Analysis

The current treatment approach for patients in palliative care (PC) requires a health model based on shared and individualised care, according to the degree of complexity encountered. The aims of this study were to describe the levels of complexity that may be present, to determine their most prevalent elements and to identify factors that may…

Lessons from an International Initiative to Set and Share Good Practice on Human Health in Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is applied to infrastructure and other large projects. The European Union EIA Directive (2011/92/EU as amended by 2014/52/EU) requires EIAs to consider the effects that a project might have on human health. The International Association for Impact Assessment and the European Public Health Association prepared a reference paper on public health…

Leptin levels were negatively associated with lumbar spine bone mineral content in children with overweight or obesity

Aim Adipokines seem to play a role in bone morphogenesis, although this also depends on the mechanical forces applied to the skeleton. The aim was to assess the relationships of resting leptin and adiponectin with bone parameters and whether high muscular fitness levels affect these relationships in children with overweight or obesity. Methods This cross-sectional…

Las técnicas de generación de ideas: aplicándolas a la mejora en salud y gestión de cuidados

Las técnicas de generación de ideas han sido aplicadas como parte de la metodología utilizada en el abordaje de muchos y diferentes temas de salud y gestión de cuidados. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar las técnicas más relevantes, resumir sus características principales y su actual aplicación en diferentes áreas de la salud. De…

La salud de las personas adultas afectadas por un proceso de desahucio

Objetivo Analizar el estado de salud percibida, y otros indicadores relacionados con la salud, en personas adultas de Granada que se encuentran en un proceso de desahucio de su vivienda habitual, de alquiler o en propiedad, en comparación con la salud de la población general andaluza. Métodos Estudio transversal mediante encuesta administrada por personal entrenado…