Advancing equity through Health Impact Assessments.
Guide for the EuroHealthNet Partnership on conducting and implementing Health Impact Assessments with an equity focus.
The Guide has been developed with and for the EuroHealthNet Partnership, through an online survey as well as interviews, supplemented by desk research. The input received was central to the development of this guidance, and we are grateful to all partners for sharing their time and knowledge.
Thank you to all members and associate members of the EuroHealthNet Partnership who responded to the survey: Ana Gil Luciano (Directorate of Public Health of the Ministry of Health, Spain); Daniela Kállayová (Ministry of Health, Slovakia); Filippa Myrbäck (Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions); Katarzyna Brukało (Medical University of Silesia in Poland); Laura Shields-Zeeman (Trimbos Institute, the Netherlands); Luciana Costa (National Institute of Health Dr Ricardo Jorge, Portugal); Lucy Darras (Centre for Epidemiology and Research in POPulation Health, Inserm, France); Liz Green (Public Health Wales); Mafalda Lourenço (Fundação Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso, Portugal); Margaret Douglas (Public Health Scotland); Rosana Peiró Pérez (Public health Directorate in the Valencian Regional Authorities); Taina Laaksoharju (Pro Lapinlahti, Mental Health Association, Finland). Thanks as well to all who shared further resources: Piedad Martín-Olmedo (Andalusian School of Public Health, Spain); Djoeke van Dale (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, the Netherlands); Inés Urieta Guijarro (Uribe Kosta Public Health Region in the Basque Country, Spain), Many thanks as well to all who provided further insights during detailed interviews: Elisabeth Bengtsson (Region Västra Götaland, Sweden); Katarzyna Brukało (Medical University of Silesia in Poland); Luciana Costa (National Institute of Health Dr Ricardo Jorge, Portugal); Margaret Douglas (Public Health Scotland); Rosa Mas Pons and Rosana Peiró Pérez (Public health Directorate in the Valencian Regional Authorities, Spain). Thanks as well to Martin Birley, Mirko Winkler and Emanuel Valpacos, HIA experts who replied to the survey and answered further questions. Last, thanks to Piedad Martín-Olmedo (President), Odile Mekel (Vice-president) and Ben Cave (Steering Committee member), from the HIA section at the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) who all took the time to discuss the more technical aspects of HIA during the European Public Health Conference in Dublin, November 2023. This guide has been developed by Sofia Romagosa Vilarnau (Research Officer), Alba Godfrey (Senior Project Coordinator), and Ingrid Stegeman (Programme Manager), EuroHealthNet.