Circulating free insulin-like growth factor-I and prostate cancer: a case-control study nested in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition

Background Circulating total insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is an established risk factor for prostate cancer. However, only a small proportion of circulating IGF-I is free or readily dissociable from IGF-binding proteins (its bioavailable form), and few studies have investigated the association of circulating free IGF-I with prostate cancer risk. Methods We analyzed data from 767…

Biomarkers for personalised prevention of chronic diseases: a common protocol for three rapid scoping reviews

Introduction Personalised prevention aims to delay or avoid disease occurrence, progression, and recurrence of disease through the adoption of targeted interventions that consider the individual biological, including genetic data, environmental and behavioural characteristics, as well as the socio-cultural context. This protocol summarises the main features of a rapid scoping review to show the research landscape…

Systematic review of healthcare interventions for reducing gender-based violence impact on the mental health of women with disabilities

Purpose Women with disabilities are more exposed to violence. The health sector has a key role in all three levels of prevention of violence against women. The objective of this paper was to review the interventions for preventing gender-based violence and reducing its impact on the mental health of women with any form of disability.…

The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Public Health Teacher—the Lessons We Must Learn

Since 5th May 2023 COVID-19 is not considered a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), rather “an established and ongoing health issue” [1]. This was a moment to celebrate achievements, like the dedication of healthcare workers but also to reflect on the mistakes made [1]. Many COVID-19 deaths are still reported to the World…

Long-term survival for lymphoid neoplasms and national health expenditure (EUROCARE-6): a retrospective, population-based study

Background Management of lymphoid malignancies requires substantial health system resources. Total national health expenditure might influence population-based lymphoid malignancy survival. We studied the long-term survival of patients with 12 lymphoid malignancy types and examined whether different levels of national health expenditure might explain differences in lymphoid malignancy prognosis between European countries and regions. Methods For…

Economic assessment of abemaciclib for the adjuvant treatment of luminal HER2- breast cancer from the perspective of the Spanish health system

Introduction Abemaciclib is an oral inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 (CDK4/6). Data from the clinical trial monarchE (2023) showed improved survival from invasive disease. The aim of the present article was to conduct an economic assessment of adjuvant treatment with abemaciclib in women with luminal, HER2- and node-positive breast cancer. Methods A Markov…

Incidencia, tratamiento y factores asociados con la supervivencia de la parada cardiaca extrahospitalaria atendida por los servicios de emergencias en España: informe 2022 del registro OHSCAR

La parada cardiorrespiratoria extrahospitalaria (PCREH) es un grave problema de salud pública mundial, con una incidencia anual estimada entorno a entorno a los 350.000 y 400.000 casos de PCERH en Europa y Estados Unidos, respectivamente. La supervivencia final se sitúa en porcentajes que apenas alcanzan el 10%, aunque existe una importante variabilidad entre países e…

Process evaluation of PsyCovidApp, a digital tool for mobile devices aimed at protecting the mental health of healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed method study

Introduction: PsyCovidApp, a digital intervention aimed at safeguarding the mental health of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrated in a randomized clinical trial to yield significant improvements solely among healthcare workers undergoing psychotherapy or receiving psychotropic medication. Objectives: (1) To identify contextual factors and mechanisms of action that influenced the impact of PsyCovidApp during…

Nitrosyl-Heme and Heme Iron Intake from Processed Meats in Subjects from the EPIC-Spain Cohort

Background: The consumption of processed meats (PMs) and red meats are linked to the likelihood of developing colorectal cancer. Various theories have been proposed to explain this connection, focusing on nitrosyl-heme and heme iron intake. We hypothesized that differences in nitrosyl-heme and heme iron intakes will be associated with various sociodemographic and lifestyle factors. Methods:…