Experiencias, modelos y claves para la coordinación e integración de servicios sociales y sanitarios

El desarrollo de la coordinación de servicios sociales y sanitarios se fundamenta en un modelo universal, orientado a facilitar la realización del proyecto vital de cada persona, contando con su entorno más próximo1. Este modelo determina que el sujeto y protagonista de la acción es la persona y su entorno de convivencia, y que esta…

Serum Endotoxins and Flagellin and Risk of Colorectal Cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Cohort

Background: Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are thought to be involved in colorectal cancer development. These processes may contribute to leakage of bacterial products, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and flagellin, across the gut barrier. The objective of this study, nested within a prospective cohort, was to examine associations between circulating LPS and flagellin serum antibody…

Prospective association of liver function biomarkers with development of hepatobiliary cancers

Introduction Serum liver biomarkers (gamma-glutamyl transferase, GGT; alanine aminotransferase, ALT; aspartate aminotransferase, AST; alkaline phosphatase, ALP; total bilirubin) are used as indicators of liver disease, but there is currently little data on their prospective association with risk of hepatobiliary cancers. Methods A nested-case control study was conducted within the prospective EPIC cohort (>520,000 participants, 10…

The Use of Statistics in Health Sciences: Situation Analysis and Perspective

Statistics plays a crucial role in research, planning and decision-making in the health sciences. Progress in technologies and continued research in computational statistics has enabled us to implement sophisticated mathematical models within software that are handled by non-statistician researchers. As a result, over the last decades, medical journals have published a host of papers that…

Elaboración de criterios e indicadores para desarrollar y evaluar programas de envejecimiento saludable en los lugares de trabajo

Fundamentos: En el actual contexto poblacional de envejecimiento de la población y prolongación de la vida laboral, los programas de promoción de salud en el trabajo son una herramienta clave y necesaria para promover un envejecimiento activo y saludable. El objetivo fue elaborar una herramienta tipo lista de verificación para orientar la planificación, implementación y…

Modeling the costs and long-term health benefits of screening the general population for risks of cardiovascular disease: a review of methods used in the literature

Background Strategies for screening and intervening to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in primary care settings need to be assessed in terms of both their costs and long-term health effects. We undertook a literature review to investigate the methodologies used. Methods In a framework of developing a new health-economic model for evaluating different…

Subtypes of fruit and vegetables, variety in consumption and risk of colon and rectal cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

Previously, a lower risk of colorectal cancer was observed with fruit and vegetable consumption in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition within a follow-up period of 9 years which was not fully supported by a recent meta-analysis. Therefore, we were interested in the relation with extended follow-up, also focusing on single subtypes and…

Description of indexes based on the adherence to the ‪Mediterranean‬ ‪dietary‬ pattern: a review

Introducción: los índices de calidad la de dieta son herramientas que sirven para cuantificar el cumplimiento de un patrón dietético definido. Estos índices son una medida combinada de factores dietéticos (grupos alimenticios, alimentos, nutrientes y ratios) y/o estilos de vida. La dieta mediterránea (DM) es un patrón dietético que se caracteriza por sus efectos positivos…

Recesión bibliográfica: Health technology assessment and health policy today: a multifaceted view of their unstable crossroads

Recensión bibliográfica Del Llano Señarís JE, Campillo-Artero C, directores. Health technology assessment and health policy today: a multifaceted view of their unstable crossroads. En: Ortún V, director. Colección «Economía de la salud y gestión sanitaria». Madrid: Springer Healthcare Communications Ibérica; 2014. 156 p. ISBN: 978-84-940118-5-6

Background: Studies of the role of dietary factors in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) development have been limited, and no specific dietary factors have been consistently associated with EOC risk. Objective: We used a nutrient-wide association study approach to systematically test the association between dietary factors and invasive EOC risk while accounting for multiple hypothesis testing…