Smoking and All-cause Mortality in Older Adults: Results From the CHANCES Consortium

ntroduction Smoking is known to be a major cause of death among middle-aged adults, but evidence on its impact and the benefits of smoking cessation among older adults has remained limited. Therefore, we aimed to estimate the influence of smoking and smoking cessation on all-cause mortality in people aged ≥60 years. Methods Relative mortality and…

Reproductive factors and risk of mortality in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition; a cohort study

Background Reproductive events are associated with important physiologic changes, yet little is known about how reproductive factors influence long-term health in women. Our objective was to assess the relation of reproductive characteristics with all-cause and cause-specific mortality risk. Methods The analysis was performed within the European Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition prospective cohort study, which…

Interventions addressing health inequalities in European regions: the AIR project

Disparities in health between social groups have been documented all over Europe. We summarize the methods and results of the Addressing Inequalities in Regions (AIR) project, which identified illustrative interventions and policies developed in European regions to reduce inequalities at the primary health care level. The first phase was a systematic review of the published…

Association of breast cancer risk loci with breast cancer survival

The survival of breast cancer patients is largely influenced by tumor characteristics, such as TNM stage, tumor grade and hormone receptor status. However, there is growing evidence that inherited genetic variation might affect the disease prognosis and response to treatment. Several lines of evidence suggest that alleles influencing breast cancer risk might also be associated…

Health assets for adolescents: opinions from a neighbourhood in Spain

This study uses a health asset (HA) framework to explore current perspectives on health, wellbeing and their determinants amongst a group of 15–18-year-old adolescents living in the neighbourhood of Zaidin (Granada, Spain). The study was carried out in Summer 2011 using a qualitative approach. It included 20 semi-structured interviews, 2 focus groups with adolescents and…

Measuring the impact of informal elderly caregiving: a systematic review of tools

Purpose To classify and identify the main characteristics of the tools used in practice to assess the impact of elderly caregiving on the informal carers’ life. Methods A systematic review of literature was performed searching in Embase, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, IBECS, LILACS, SiiS, SSCI and Cochrane Library from 2009 to 2013 in English, Spanish, Portuguese…

Cuestiones controvertidas en evaluación económica (III). Intervenciones sanitarias en tres situaciones especiales: enfermedades raras, tratamientos al final de la vida y externalidades en las evaluaciones

El desarrollo de la evaluación económica de intervenciones sanitarias se ha convertido en una herramienta de apoyo en la toma decisiones sobre financiación pública y fijación de precios de nuevas intervenciones sanitarias. La aplicación cada vez más extensiva de estas técnicas ha llevado a la identificación de situaciones particulares en las que, por diversas razones,…

Efectos de la edad, el periodo de defunción y la cohorte de nacimiento en la mortalidad por enfermedad isquémica del corazón en el sur de España

ntroducción y objetivos La cardiopatía isquémica es la primera causa de muerte y una de las cuatro principales causas de carga de enfermedad en el mundo. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar los efectos edad-periodo-cohorte en la mortalidad por cardiopatía isquémica en Andalucía (sur de España) y en cada una de sus provincias durante…