Projecting Pharmaceutical Expenditure in EU5 to 2021: Adjusting for the Impact of Discounts and Rebates

Background Within (European) healthcare systems, the predominant goal for pharmaceutical expenditure is cost containment. This is due to a general belief among healthcare policy makers that pharmaceutical expenditure—driven by high prices—will be unsustainable unless further reforms are enacted. Objective The aim of this paper is to provide more realistic expectations of pharmaceutical expenditure for all…

Heterogeneity of Colorectal Cancer Risk Factors by Anatomical Subsite in 10 European Countries: A Multinational Cohort Study

Background & Aims Colorectal cancer located at different anatomical subsites may have distinct etiologies and risk factors. Previous studies that have examined this hypothesis have yielded inconsistent results, possibly because most studies have been of insufficient size to identify heterogeneous associations with precision. Methods In the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study, we…

Thyroid Cancer Epidemiology in South Spain: a population-based time trend study

Purpose Thyroid cancer (TC) is the most common malignant disease of the endocrine system. The aim of this study was to analyze incidence and mortality trends of TC (C73 according to ICD-O-3) in Granada (Southern Spain) during the period 1985–2013, by sex, age, and histological type. Methods This is a population-based cross-sectional study. Incidence data…

Health inequalities between male and female immigrants in Spain after the beginning of the economic crisis

The aim of this study was to analyse health inequalities in the immigrant population in Spain in 2014, while differentiating between immigrant and native‐born men and women. We have designed a cross‐sectional study on the population aged over 15 years resident in Spain and the data were obtained from the 2014 European Health Survey in Spain…

Assessment of Lung Cancer Risk on the Basis of a Biomarker Panel of Circulating Proteins

mportance  There is an urgent need to improve lung cancer risk assessment because current screening criteria miss a large proportion of cases. Objective  To investigate whether a lung cancer risk prediction model based on a panel of selected circulating protein biomarkers can outperform a traditional risk prediction model and current US screening criteria. Design, Setting,…

Association study of dietary non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity (NEAC) and colorectal cancer risk in the Spanish Multicase–Control Cancer (MCC-Spain) study

Purpose Studies attempting to link dietary non-enzymatic antioxidant activity (NEAC) and colorectal cancer (CRC) risk have reported mixed results. We examined this association in the Spanish Multicase–Control Study considering the likely influence of coffee and other dietary factors. Methods 1718 CRC cases and 3312 matched-controls provided information about diet through a validated 140-item food frequency…

Biomarkers of oxidative stress in blood of workers exposed to non-cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides

In occupational settings workers are often exposed to pesticides at relatively high doses compared to environmental exposures. Long-term exposure to pesticides has been associated with numerous adverse health effects in epidemiological studies, and oxidative stress is often claimed as one of the underlying mechanisms. In fact, different pesticides have been reported to induce oxidative stress…

Pre‐diagnostic circulating insulin‐like growth factor‐I and bladder cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

Previous in vitro and case‐control studies have found an association between the insulin‐like growth factor (IGF)‐axis and bladder cancer risk. Circulating concentrations of IGF‐I have also been found to be associated with an increased risk of several cancer types; however, the relationship between pre‐diagnostic circulating IGF‐I concentrations and bladder cancer has never been studied prospectively.…

Coste-efectividad e impacto presupuestario del tratamiento con evolocumab frente a estatinas y ezetimiba para la hipercolesterolemia en España

Introducción y objetivos Analizar la razón de coste-efectividad y el impacto presupuestario del tratamiento con evolocumab (inhibidor de la PCSK9) para pacientes en prevención secundaria en el Sistema Nacional de Salud español. Métodos Se realizaron, desde la perspectiva del sistema sanitario público, análisis de impacto presupuestario, modelos de árbol de decisión y Markov, basándose en…