Jornada Cefaleas

Cefaleas20 de febrero de 2025 Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública   Dirigido a: Profesionales sanitarios de Atención Primaria y Atención Hospitalaria interesados en la atención de paciente con cefaleas (neurología, medicina de familia, medicina de urgencias, enfermería, oftalmología, salud mental, neurocirugía, etc.) Objetivo: Capacitar a los profesionales sanitarios de Atención Primaria y Atención Hospitalaria en…

Jornada Adicciones

#AdiccionesPresente y futuro en la prevención de adicciones Lugar de celebración: Salón de Actos de la Diputación de Córdoba. Plaza de Colón, 15; 14071 Córdoba, España Fecha: 04/12/2024 de 9:30h a 14:30h Destinatarios: Profesionales interesados en la prevención de adicciones. Objetivo: Dar a conocer a los profesionales que trabajan en prevención de adicciones modelos de…

Degree of food processing and breast cancer risk: a prospective study in 9 European countries

Recent epidemiological studies have suggested a positive association between ultra-processed food consumption and breast cancer risk, although some studies also reported no association. Furthermore, the evidence regarding the associations between intake of food with lower degrees of processing and breast cancer risk is limited. Thus, we investigated the associations between dietary intake by degree of…

International Prevalence of Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence Against Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies

The aim of the present review was to systematically identify and examine current knowledge regarding the frequency of any form of technology-facilitated sexual violence (TFSV) perpetrated against women aged 16 years and older. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses checklist was applied when performing the present review. Observational studies reporting prevalence data for…

Perturbations in the blood metabolome up to a decade before prostate cancer diagnosis in 4387 matched case–control sets from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

Measuring pre-diagnostic blood metabolites may help identify novel risk factors for prostate cancer. Using data from 4387 matched case–control pairs from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study, we investigated the associations of 148 individual metabolites and three previously defined metabolite patterns with prostate cancer risk. Metabolites were measured by liquid chromatography-mass…

Association of circulating fatty acids with cardiovascular disease risk: Analysis of individual-level data in three large prospective cohorts and updated meta-analysis

Background Associations of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (FAs) with cardiovascular disease (CVD) remain controversial. We therefore aimed to investigate the prospective associations of objectively measured FAs with CVD, including incident coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke, as well as CVD mortality. Methods Circulating FA concentrations expressed as the percentage of total FAs were assayed…

Prognostic role of pre-diagnostic circulating inflammatory biomarkers in breast cancer survival: evidence from the EPIC cohort study

Background Inflammation influences tumour progression and cancer prognosis, but its role preceding breast cancer (BC) and its prognostic implications remain inconclusive. Methods We studied pre-diagnostic plasma inflammatory biomarkers in 1538 women with BC from the EPIC study. Cox proportional hazards models assessed their relationship with all-cause and BC-specific mortality, adjusting for tumour characteristics and lifestyle…


PROGRAMA#AntimicrobianAndalucíaJORNADA ESARA-PIRASOA Avanzamos en consolidación de modelos y alianzas OBJETIVOS: Conocer el marco de referencia en Andalucía para el abordaje de las resistencias a los antimicrobianos, así como analizar la situación actual y actuaciones previstas en el ámbito de las IRAS y los programas PROA. LUGAR DE CELEBRACIÓN: Virtual: Zoom. Presencial: Salón de Actos del…