Pre-diagnostic meat and fibre intakes in relation to colorectal cancer survival in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

Improvements in colorectal cancer (CRC) detection and treatment have led to greater numbers of CRC survivors, for whom there is limited evidence on which to provide dietary guidelines to improve survival outcomes. Higher intake of red and processed meat and lower intake of fibre are associated with greater risk of developing CRC, but there is…

Efectividad de una intervención para mejorar los resultados clínicos con autogestión de la diabetes en pacientes con bajo nivel educativo

Objetivo Determinar si una intervención basada en la comunicación médico-paciente es más efectiva que la atención habitual en la mejora del autocontrol de la diabetes en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 con bajo nivel educativo. Métodos Ensayo controlado aleatorizado pragmático por agrupación de 12 meses. Participaron en el estudio nueve profesionales médicos y 184 pacientes…

Effectiveness of patient-targeted interventions to promote cancer screening among ethnic minorities: A systematic review

Background Cancer is a major public health problem due to its incidence, morbidity and mortality. A large proportion of cancer cases and deaths could be prevented through the implementation of cancer screening programmes. However, there are social inequalities in patient access to these programmes, especially in underserved communities and minority populations. Objective To identify, characterise…

Incidence and survival time trends for Spanish children and adolescents with leukaemia from 1983 to 2007

Objective We have analysed incidence and survival trends of children and adolescents with leukaemia registered in Spanish population-based cancer registries during the period 1983–2007. Methods Childhood and adolescent leukaemia cases were drawn from the 11 Spanish population-based cancer registries. For survival, registries with data for the period 1991–2005 and follow-up until 31-12-2010 were included. Overall…