Cómo adaptar una investigación cualitativa a contextos de confinamiento

El confinamiento de la población, incluidas las personas investigadoras, pone de manifiesto la necesidad de adaptar la metodología cualitativa, sus técnicas y herramientas, al contexto actual generado por la COVID-19. Internet y los medios o redes sociales posibilitan la recogida de datos textuales, secuencias, imágenes o narrativas sobre una realidad limitada para el acceso a…

A regional multicomponent intervention for mechanical restraint reduction in acute psychiatric wards

4.1 Introduction Mechanical restraint (MR) is used in many countries, including Spain, where non‐harmonized policies between autonomous communities exist. There is a lack of research about interventions at regional levels to reduce their use. 4.2 Aim To analyse data on key outcomes during the implementation of a multicomponent intervention in Andalusia (Spain) to reduce the…

Protocolo del Estudio Poblacional Multinivel de las Desigualdades Socioeconómicas en la Distribución Geográfica de la Incidencia, la Mortalidad y la Supervivencia Neta del Cáncer en España: Estudio DESOCANES

La incidencia y la mortalidad brindan información sobre la carga de la morbilidad del cáncer y los años potenciales de vida perdidos debido al cáncer. Se ha desarrollado el Índice de Privación (IP) como una medida estandarizada para medir la privación socioeconómica en España a nivel de sección censal. Además, se puede combinar la información…

Relationship between exposure to mixtures of persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic chemicals and cancer risk: A systematic review

Environmental risks are responsible for one in five of all deaths worldwide. Persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic substances are chemicals that can subsist for decades in human tissues and the environment. They include heavy metals, organochlorines, polychlorinated biphenyls, organobromines, organofluorines, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons among others. Although humans are often exposed to multiple pollutants simultaneously, their…

Dietary and circulating fatty acids and ovarian cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

Background: Fatty acids impact obesity, estrogens and inflammation, risk factors for ovarian cancer. Few epidemiological studies have investigated the association of fatty acids with ovarian cancer. Methods: Within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition, 1,486 incident ovarian cancer cases were identified. Cox Proportional Hazard models with adjustment for ovarian cancer risk factors were…

Glycemic index, glycemic load, and risk of coronary heart disease: a pan-European cohort study

Background High carbohydrate intake raises blood triglycerides, glucose, and insulin; reduces HDLs; and may increase risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Epidemiological studies indicate that high dietary glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) are associated with increased CHD risk. Objectives The aim of this study was to determine whether dietary GI, GL, and available…