Does the use of health technology assessment have an impact on the utilisation of health care resources? Evidence from two European countries

Objectives A centralised approach to health technology assessment (HTA) may facilitate optimal use of HTA resources. A regional approach may increase the chances of local implementation of recommendations. This study aimed to compare assessment procedures in England (centralised HTA approach) with Spain (regional HTA approach) discussing key challenges and opportunities from both approaches. Methods We…

Serum levels of hsa‐miR‐16‐5p, ‐29a‐3p, ‐150‐5p, ‐155‐5p and ‐223‐3p and subsequent risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the EPIC study

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is an incurable disease accounting for almost one‐third of leukemias in the Western world. Aberrant expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) is a well‐established characteristic of CLL, and the robust nature of miRNAs makes them eminently suitable liquid biopsy biomarkers. Using a nested case‐control study within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and…

Theoretical potential for endometrial cancer prevention through primary risk factor modification: Estimates from the EPIC cohort

Endometrial cancer (EC) incidence rates vary ~10‐fold worldwide, in part due to variation in EC risk factor profiles. Using an EC risk model previously developed in the European EPIC cohort, we evaluated the prevention potential of modified EC risk factor patterns and whether differences in EC incidence between a European population and low‐risk countries can…

Physical activity and risks of breast and colorectal cancer: a Mendelian randomisation analysis

Physical activity has been associated with lower risks of breast and colorectal cancer in epidemiological studies; however, it is unknown if these associations are causal or confounded. In two-sample Mendelian randomisation analyses, using summary genetic data from the UK Biobank and GWA consortia, we found that a one standard deviation increment in average acceleration was…

Who does what the cardiologist recommends? Psychosocial markers of unhealthy behavior in coronary disease patients

Patients diagnosed with coronary heart disease should follow lifestyle recommendations that can reduce their cardiovascular risk (e.g., avoid smoking). However, some patients fail to follow these recommendations and engage in unhealthy behavior. With the aim to identify psychosocial factors that characterize patients at high risk of repeated cardiovascular events, we investigated the relationship between social…

Jornada Implantación Evidencias en Cuidados BPSOAndalucía

Bienvenida Institucional (1ª parte) Bienvenida Institucional (2ª parte) Programa de Implantación de buenas prácticas en Centros Comprometidos con la Excelencia en Cuidados Presentación del BPSO-Host Regional Andalucía Presentación de los proyectos de Candidatos a Centros Comprometidos con la Excelencia en Cuidados Transferencias de evidencias a la práctica clínica en centros del Sistema Sanitario Público de…